The Dr. Ward Bond Show is an exciting and inspiring television program that takes listeners into the world of wellness, film, television and music. Well known celebrities share their stories with Dr. Bond. With an incredible guest list this program is one you don‘t want to miss. Subscribe today!

Wednesday May 29, 2019
Encore Episode: Benefits of Sex Hormones in Treating Fibromyalgia
Wednesday May 29, 2019
Wednesday May 29, 2019
Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum discusses how fibromyalgia can be addressed effectively by optimizing the hormones in the body.According to the National Fibromyalgia Association, fibromyalgia is one of the most common chronic pain conditions.
The disorder affects an estimated 10 million people in the U.S. and an estimated 3-6 percent of the world population. While it is most prevalent in women (75-90 percent of the people who have fibromyalgia are women), it also occurs in men and children of all ethnic groups.
According to long-standing research and his personal work with treating chronic pain, Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum says fibromyalgia can be addressed effectively by optimizing the hormones in the body; particularly the "sex" hormones of estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. By doing this, you restore the body's energy production capabilities.
Dr. Teitelbaum warns that physicians should treat individuals uniquely, based on symptoms -- not necessarily on what blood work shows hormone levels to be.
Listen in as Dr. Teitelbaum joins Dr. Bond to share more about this approach to treating fibromyalgia, as well as his S.H.I.N.E. protocol.

Wednesday May 22, 2019
Encore Episode: Diets that Do More than Drop Weight
Wednesday May 22, 2019
Wednesday May 22, 2019
Eating healthy shouldn't just be about losing weight. It should be about striving for an overall healthy lifestyle.Sometimes the term "diet" gets a bad rap, especially when in the company of another word: fad.
Eating healthy shouldn't just be about weight (losing or maintaining). It should be about striving for an overall healthy lifestyle.
Dr. Felicia Stoler advises three diet approaches the not only help you lose weight, but also provide significant health benefits.
MIND: combination of DASH and Mediterranean diets
Fasting Mimicking: developed by Dr. Valter Longo, a “fasting with food” concept
Flexitarian: encourages mostly plant-based eating with small amounts of animal protein
Listen as Dr. Stoler joins Dr. Bond to discuss these three diet plans and all of their many benefits -- not just for your waistline, but for your overall health and wellness.

Wednesday May 15, 2019
Encore Episode: Steve Vai's Life, Music and Vegetarian Lifestyle
Wednesday May 15, 2019
Wednesday May 15, 2019
Eating vegetarian not only resolved Steve Vai's health issues but promoted better health overall.Accomplished musician and producer, Steve Vai, has been a vegetarian for over 38 years.
He began this lifestyle after encountering multiple health issues in his youth, including migraines and digestive distress. Eating vegetarian not only resolved these issues, but also promoted better health overall and provided a mental clarity that contributed to Steve's creativity in his musical artistry.
Steve joins Dr. Bond to discuss his vegetarian lifestyle, as well as stories from his long history of being a celebrated member of the musical arena.

Wednesday May 08, 2019
EP 89 - I Used to Have Cancer: How I Found My Own Way Back to Health
Wednesday May 08, 2019
Wednesday May 08, 2019
As a healthy and fit man in his early 30s, James Templeton was shocked to the core when he was diagnosed with melanoma.James Templeton had become an avid runner to stave off the fates of his father and grandfather, who both died of heart attacks at a young age.
His fitness fanaticism led him to believe he was truly in good health, so he was shocked to the core when he was diagnosed with melanoma in his early 30s during a regular physical routine.
When conventional treatment methods failed, James was devastated. Fortunately, help came in the form of three different visitors who would change the course of his life―and help direct him on a path back to health.
Listen as James joins Dr. Bond to share his journey through cancer and the inspiration, methods, and lifestyle changes that helped him heal.

Wednesday May 01, 2019
Wednesday May 01, 2019
According to Nancy Alcorn, there is no such thing as a life that cannot be transformed when Jesus is allowed to work.Inspired to answer some of the questions left unanswered by the Netflix series, 13 Reasons Why, Nancy Alcorn wrote Treatment or Transformation: 13 Real Stories Why You can’t Argue With A Changed Life.
The book includes 13 powerful stories where God intervened and radically transformed lives.
Many people have been diagnosed with such things as bipolar disorder, clinical depression, post traumatic stress disorder, an eating disorder... the list goes on and on. These diagnoses have become their identity. They are unable to imagine a life of complete freedom without addiction, depression, or the effects of abuse.
But, according to Nancy, there is no such thing as a life that cannot be transformed when Jesus is allowed to work.
The young women you will read about in this book represent thousands who have received the same transformation since Nancy's organization Mercy Multiplied opened its first residential home in 1983.
Listen as Nancy joins Dr. Bond to share insights from the book, as well as the good work Mercy Multiplied is performing to change people's lives.

Wednesday Apr 24, 2019
EP 87 - Babies, Bottles and Booze
Wednesday Apr 24, 2019
Wednesday Apr 24, 2019
Contradicting health headlines and commentary-filled social media feeds bombard expectant mothers with fears and concerns they may have never considered.Bringing a child into the world can be a scary endeavor, and getting the health facts straight about what to consume or avoid during pregnancy and after the baby is born can be overwhelming.
Contradicting health headlines and commentary-filled social media feeds bombard expectant mothers with fears and concerns they may have never considered.
Dr. Kecia Gaither says as more information and studies are published, old theories are being discredited and giving way to new practices.
For example, the notion that "a little wine is fine" should be discredited. Alcohol use is the leading preventable cause of birth defects. Mothers should abstain from imbibing while breastfeeding as well.
In regards to "breast is best," Dr. Gaither agrees. Breast milk contains properties that provide boosted immunity in the baby. If a mother is unable to breastfeed, for whatever reason, formula will still provide the appropriate nutrients for the baby to thrive.
Listen as Dr. Gaither joins Dr. Bond to discuss some of the mommy myths circulating, as well as the medically-proven truths moms and dads should be aware of.

Wednesday Apr 17, 2019
EP 86 - Benefits of Yoga Medicine
Wednesday Apr 17, 2019
Wednesday Apr 17, 2019
Tiffany Cruikshank, founder of Yoga Medicine®, has taken the traditional practice of yoga and turned it into a real medical methodology.Yoga has long been touted as a healing practice, with roots in Eastern medicine.
However, Tiffany Cruikshank, founder of Yoga Medicine®, has taken the practice and turned it into a real medical methodology.
Yoga Medicine® is a thorough, anatomically based training system that trains teachers across the globe to work more powerfully with their students.
Yoga Medicine® is not a style of yoga but rather a training that educates the teacher to understand the body and create individualized yoga programs for the student based on their understanding of the anatomy, biomechanics, physiology and the traditional practice of yoga.
Listen as Tiffany joins Dr. Bond to explain the differences between her methodology and traditional yoga, as well as the many benefits of following a Yoga Medicine® approach, such as pain relief and improved mental health.

Wednesday Apr 10, 2019
EP 85 - Find Faith in the Face of Fear
Wednesday Apr 10, 2019
Wednesday Apr 10, 2019
In her book, What if You Could? Find Faith in the Face of Fear, Jackelyn Iloff helps individuals learn how to use faith to face their fears and break through to success.Many people have fears of failing, whether in their careers, relationships, or life in general.
These same people often take other people's opinions as "truth," no matter how correct they actually are. This leads to an even more desperate downward spiral.
In her book, What if You Could? Find Faith in the Face of Fear, Jackelyn Iloff helps individuals learn how to use faith to face their fears and break through to success. She believes that all things truly are possible with God on your side.
Listen as Jackelyn joins Dr. Bond to share insights from the book, why God needs to be an integral part of life, and how you can push through fear to reach your true destiny.

Wednesday Apr 03, 2019
EP 84 - The Art of Aging Well
Wednesday Apr 03, 2019
Wednesday Apr 03, 2019
Learn how you can take charge of the aging process and make your coming years the best they can be, if you just make a commitment to "just move."An inspirational speaker, author, and former Wall Street rainmaker, Jim Owen was 70 when he decided he had to get fit.
Getting started was a challenge. Realizing that the old bodybuilding approach was no way to tackle the stiffness, weakness, and aches and pains that come with age, he set off on a journey of discovery and transformation.
With help from the experts, he developed a common-sense, step-by-step program that can be tailored to any level of physical ability.
Today, Owen is in better shape than he was at 25. He has proven you don't have to be powerless in the face of advancing years.
Listen as Owen joins Dr. Bond to share how you can take charge of the aging process and make your coming years the best they can be, if you just make a commitment to "just move."

Wednesday Mar 27, 2019
EP 83 - Feel-Good Food
Wednesday Mar 27, 2019
Wednesday Mar 27, 2019
Chef Jacqueline King Schiller joins Dr. Bond to share her personal journey with food, highlights from her new book, and why eating a pescan diet is beneficial for health.The pescan way of eating, as defined by Chef Jacqueline King Schiller, is centered on plant-based, dairy-free dishes, but with high-protein seafood and eggs incorporated.
It's also the focus of Jacqueline's new book, co-authored by her best friend Abbie Cornish: Pescan: A Feel Good Cookbook.
The cookbook is a culmination of Jacqueline and Abbie's weekly trips to the farmers’ market, after which they'd spend all day cooking and then serve those dishes to their family and friends. Pescan is an extension of this tradition and all the food the two explored together. It’s also a story of friendship, healing, and developing a more positive relationship with food.
Listen as Jacqueline joins Dr. Bond to share her personal journey with food, highlights from the book, and why eating a pescan diet is beneficial for health.

Wednesday Mar 20, 2019
EP 82 - The Bon-Vivant Girl: Hungry for Happy
Wednesday Mar 20, 2019
Wednesday Mar 20, 2019
You cannot truly be healthy if you are not happy.Being a serial dieter never ends well for anyone.
Getting caught up in a constant battle with the scale is detrimental to both one's physical and mental health. As Nathalie Botros, "The Bon-Vivant Girl" avers, you cannot truly be healthy if you are not happy.
Her book, If You Are What You Eat Should I Eat a Skinny Girl?, is the ultimate "anti-diet" book, providing a roadmap to living life to the fullest potential by transforming your relationship to food, your self-image, and your everyday life.
Listen as Nathalie joins Dr. Bond to share insights from the book to help motivate you, make you laugh and get you on the road to a happy, healthy life.

Wednesday Mar 13, 2019
Wednesday Mar 13, 2019
Learn how you can heal yourself by reducing your toxic exposure.Beth Greer thought she was living a fully healthy lifestyle, maintaining a healthy weight, exercising, eating (mostly) right, meditation... all of the things we're told to do to preserve health and promote longevity.
So, when she was diagnosed as having a large tumor in her chest, she was taken aback.
Multiple surgeons advised an invasive surgical procedure to remove the tumor. The tumor was benign, but was causing her debilitating pain.
Instead of going the surgery route, Beth took a hard look at the food she was eating, the personal products she was using, and other toxins she was exposed to. After a complete "detox," scans showed that the tumor had disappeared. Beth kept up with this clean lifestyle, and encouraged her family to do the same.
In her book, Super Natural Home: Improve Your Health, Home, and Planet--One Room at a Time, Beth reveals the alarming extent of the dangerous chemicals we unwittingly expose ourselves to every day. The book invites readers to put their lives under a microscope -- to scrutinize what we put in and on our bodies and bring into our homes—and to make personal choices that will enable us to "live clean" in a toxic world.
Listen as Beth joins Dr. Bond to discuss the steps you can take right away to change the amount of toxins you put into your body -- and realize better health in the process.

Wednesday Mar 06, 2019
Wednesday Mar 06, 2019
While some view MS as a "disability," David Lyons knows a diagnosis is not a sentence to be bound to a wheelchair.Multiple sclerosis (MS) takes different forms and is categorized into four different types.
While some view this condition as a "disability," but David Lyons knows an MS diagnosis is not a sentence to be bound to a wheelchair.
Diagnosed at age 47, David went through a period of darkness and doubt about his future. He lost the muscle mass he'd worked so hard to build in his many years in the gym. Ultimately, he decided that was not the future he wanted to live.
Now, he's helping others with MS and other conditions to meet their fitness and lifestyle goals. In his book, Everyday Health and Fitness with Multiple Sclerosis: Achieve Your Peak Physical Wellness While Working with Limited Mobility, David provides solutions for overcoming mental hurdles, nutrition fundamentals to properly fuel workouts, easily adaptable exercises, and motivation. As Amazon describes it, the book is a "road map for every person who wants to conquer a disease or disability, and just get moving."
David also co-founded the MS Fitness Challenge (MSFC) with his wife Kendra in order to help others with MS.
Listen as David joins Dr. Bond to share his own journey through MS and the great work the MSFC is doing.

Wednesday Feb 27, 2019
EP 79 - Award Winning Film Follows KORN and Guitarist Overcoming Cerebral Palsy
Wednesday Feb 27, 2019
Wednesday Feb 27, 2019
More than one doctor told him he would never play an instrument, but Brandon Mendenhall had other plans."Mind over matter" is a common phrase when encountering difficult situations. For Brandon Mendenhall, it was the mantra of his life.
Mendenhall was born with cerebral palsy, a neurological condition that affects movement, coordination and balance. More than one doctor told him he would never play an instrument, but Mendenhall had other plans, which he documents in his film, MIND OVER MATTER.
The film follows his unbelievable journey to rehabilitate his then-paralyzed left hand in order to play guitar, while also overcoming bullies and stereotypes. Along the way he found friendship and mentors with members of the Grammy-award winning band KORN.
Mendenhall joins Dr. Bond to share his resilience, despite being faced with not only physical challenges, but the bullying and misunderstandings he's experienced throughout his life.

Wednesday Feb 20, 2019
EP 78 - Non-Surgical Options for Turning Back the Clock
Wednesday Feb 20, 2019
Wednesday Feb 20, 2019
Dr. Anthony Youn, a board-certified plastic surgeon, wants people to view youth-preserving surgical intervention as a last option.As you age, you might consider options for preserving your youthful appearance. Fortunately, there are many approaches you can take other than going "under the knife."
In fact, Dr. Anthony Youn, a board-certified plastic surgeon, wants people to view surgical intervention as a last option.
Dr. Youn believes a more holistic strategy can be just as effective. He has spent the past 16 years researching the secrets of plastic surgeons, dermatologists, makeup artists, and dietitians in order to discover what works, what doesn’t, and what’s overpriced.
For example, light therapy can address issues from dry skin and acne to wrinkles. This therapy is non-invasive and pain-free. A few other treatments he supports include micro-needling, microdermabrasion, platelet rich plasma (PRP), and radiofrequency therapy.
Listen as Dr. Youn joins Dr. Bond to discuss the various non-surgical options for turning back the clock.

Wednesday Feb 13, 2019
EP 77 - Medieval Remedies to Fight Flu, Stomach Aches, Pain and Pandemic Problems
Wednesday Feb 13, 2019
Wednesday Feb 13, 2019
The ancient discoveries of the medieval period have guided how we treat certain conditions today.The medieval times presented plenty of health challenges, including severe illnesses like the bubonic plague. It also was a time when many remedies were discovered.
Those ancient discoveries have guided how we treat certain conditions today. For example, colloidal silver has strong anti-microbial properties and may help enhance immunity. Turmeric and mint are two other powerful natural options.
These natural remedies may also aid in the battle against the "superbugs" that have arisen due to the over-prescribing of antibiotics.
Listen as Sherry Torkos, BScPhm, RPh, joins Dr. Bond to discuss how the lessons learned during the medieval period have contributed to modern-day healing.

Wednesday Feb 06, 2019
EP 76 - Steve Vai's Life, Music and Vegetarian Lifestyle
Wednesday Feb 06, 2019
Wednesday Feb 06, 2019
Eating vegetarian not only resolved Steve Vai's health issues but promoted better health overall.Accomplished musician and producer, Steve Vai, has been a vegetarian for over 38 years.
He began this lifestyle after encountering multiple health issues in his youth, including migraines and digestive distress. Eating vegetarian not only resolved these issues, but also promoted better health overall and provided a mental clarity that contributed to Steve's creativity in his musical artistry.
Steve joins Dr. Bond to discuss his vegetarian lifestyle, as well as stories from his long history of being a celebrated member of the musical arena.

Wednesday Jan 30, 2019
EP 75 - Omega-3s & Heart Health
Wednesday Jan 30, 2019
Wednesday Jan 30, 2019
Oftentimes advertised to promote brain health, omega-3s are also very important for aiding heart health.Nutrition plays an integral role in overall health and wellness. While that seems like a no-brainer, many individuals don't know what kind of nutrition is required for optimal health.
Omega-3s are one of those key nutrients. Oftentimes advertised to promote brain health, omega-3s are also very important for aiding heart health.
In fact, in 2002, the American Heart Association recognized the importance of eating fish twice a week for those without heart disease and recommends at least one gram of EPA+DHA for those with established coronary artery disease. Since then, additional research has shown that omega-3s may help you maintain healthy blood pressure, support healthy triglyceride levels, and manage your risk of heart disease.
According to Jolie Root, Senior Nutritionist and Educator for Carlson Laboratories, omega-3s are also key in helping manage heart arrhythmia.
Root joins Dr. Bond to explain why omega-3s are so essential for overall health, how they contribute to heart health, and what dosage is needed to realize those benefits.

Wednesday Jan 23, 2019
EP 74 - Releasing Anger & Resentment for Better Health
Wednesday Jan 23, 2019
Wednesday Jan 23, 2019
Learn how to use anger and frustration for good, instead of letting it take hold of you in a negative way.People are angry a lot these days. Whether it's based in political views or unfair treatment in the workplace, anger is a common occurrence.
According to Joël Malm, counselor, communicator, and pastor, anger is a secondary emotion. It is actually a response to the threat of one of three basic needs: safety and security, connection with others, and empowerment. Anger is the response we emit to try to regain control and to overcome resulting feelings of abandonment, rejection, and humiliation.
More than a mental state, anger can also have severe physical impacts -- particularly if you've held on to it for a lengthy period of time. Sleep issues, high blood pressure, depression, and inflammation are physical effects that can manifest due to chronic, unreleased anger.
In his book, Fully You: Unlocking the Power of All You Really Are, Malm provides tips on how to use anger, frustration and resentment for good, instead of letting it take hold of you in a negative way.
Listen as Malm joins Dr. Bond to discuss anger's detrimental effects and how you can turn it around.

Wednesday Jan 16, 2019
EP 73 - Happiness in Marriage
Wednesday Jan 16, 2019
Wednesday Jan 16, 2019
Richard and Sheri Bright share their marriage advice and how you can bring happiness back into your relationship.Weddings are a blessed event, but the marriage that follows isn't always rainbows and unicorns. From small gripes like whose responsibility it is to unload the dishwasher to devastating problems like infidelity, marriage is something people have to work at.
Richard and Sheri Bright are certified Marriage on the Rock trainers (taught under Christian marriage expert, Jimmy Evans). The couple has a powerful testimony and undeniable chemistry that enable them to speak to couples all over the country.
They use wisdom, humor, and a deep compassion for others to reach the hearts of everyone who listens.
Listen as The Brights join Dr. Bond to share their marriage advice and how you can bring happiness back into your relationship.

Wednesday Jan 09, 2019
EP 72 - Staying Healthy & Fit, Despite a Hectic Schedule
Wednesday Jan 09, 2019
Wednesday Jan 09, 2019
Country music artist Erin Cosgrove joins Dr. Bond to share her tricks and tips for staying healthy, despite keeping a busy schedule.Erin Cosgrove, an aspiring actor and singer, and is considered a quadruple threat. She can sing, dance and act, then still do an Olympic-distance triathlon -- something that runs in her family, with her father finishing the Kona Ironman 21 times.
Being on the road touring isn't conducive to maintaining a fitness routine or eating healthfully, but Erin believes keeping up with exercise and eating right has to become a lifestyle and is able to stay on track by understanding what her body needs, when it needs it.
Listen as Erin joins Dr. Bond to share her tricks and tips for staying healthy, despite keeping a busy schedule.

Wednesday Jan 02, 2019
EP 71 - I Don't Drink Alone: Tales from the "Booze Traveler" Jack Maxwell
Wednesday Jan 02, 2019
Wednesday Jan 02, 2019
Through all of his travels, Jack Maxwell of the Travel Channel’s “Booze Traveler,” initially expected to encounter a lot of differences. In fact, he discovered the people he encountered had so much in common.In Travel Channel’s “Booze Traveler,” Jack Maxwell ventures the globe to not only get a taste of a country’s alcohol, but to quench his curiosity about what people drink, why they drink it and the stories they tell when they do.
At each stop, he connects with locals, immerses himself in regional activities, learns about the country’s unique relationship with liquor and sometimes even participates in the alcohol-making process.
Through all of his travels, Jack initially expected to encounter a lot of differences (e.g. culture, ethnicity, religion). In fact, he discovered that the people he encountered had so much more in common than the differences he anticipated. For example, a sense of humor and laughter permeated his conversations, even if he and the populations he was visiting didn't speak the same language.
Listen as Jack joins Dr. Bond to share stories from his experiences, the "worst drink" he drank, and why he started his podcast, "I Don't Drink Alone."

Wednesday Dec 26, 2018
EP 70 - Doyle Dykes & His Amazing Encounters with God
Wednesday Dec 26, 2018
Wednesday Dec 26, 2018
Doyle Dykes' book, The Lights of Marfa, regales some of his experiences in the music world, but it's also about much more than his life as a guitar player.Doyle Dykes is one of the premier fingerstyle guitarists in the world. He has thrilled secular and church audiences all over the world and garners respect from some of the hottest musicians today.
His book, The Lights of Marfa: One of the World's Great Guitar Player's Amazing Encounters with God, does regale some of his experiences in the music world, but it's also about much more than his life as a guitar player.
Infused into stories like how he was invited to be part of the Stamps Quartet (Elvis' backup band), why a white rose is on the headstock of his signature-model guitar, and how his worst night at the Opry turned out to be anything but, are accounts of the remarkable ways God has shown up in Doyle's life.
Listen as Doyle joins Dr. Bond to share highlights from the book, his life, and why he cherishes the blessings in his life.

Wednesday Dec 19, 2018
EP 69 - The Stimulation-Sedation Syndrome
Wednesday Dec 19, 2018
Wednesday Dec 19, 2018
Many of us are caught up in a vicious cycle of stimulation with caffeine and sugar and sedation with drugs and alcohol. How can it be broken?More than 80% of the patients Dr. Elson Haas treats are using caffeine and sugar as energy stimulants in the day and/or alcohol and other substances at night to calm and rest.
When we don’t do that in balance, we disrupt our natural energy flow and get into a vicious cycle of needing to stimulate our body every day, to whip it into action, and then slow it down in the evening.
Dr. Haas has named this the Stimulation-Sedation Cycle.
Listen as he joins Dr. Bond to discuss the long-term health hazards that can happen if we keep stimulating and sedating ourselves in this manner, as well as simple steps to overcome this vicious cycle.

Wednesday Dec 12, 2018
EP 68 - Diets that Do More than Drop Weight
Wednesday Dec 12, 2018
Wednesday Dec 12, 2018
Eating healthy shouldn't just be about losing weight. It should be about striving for an overall healthy lifestyle.Sometimes the term "diet" gets a bad rap, especially when in the company of another word: fad.
Eating healthy shouldn't just be about weight (losing or maintaining). It should be about striving for an overall healthy lifestyle.
Dr. Felicia Stoler advises three diet approaches the not only help you lose weight, but also provide significant health benefits.
MIND: combination of DASH and Mediterranean diets
Fasting Mimicking: developed by Dr. Valter Longo, a “fasting with food” concept
Flexitarian: encourages mostly plant-based eating with small amounts of animal protein
Listen as Dr. Stoler joins Dr. Bond to discuss these three diet plans and all of their many benefits -- not just for your waistline, but for your overall health and wellness.

Wednesday Dec 05, 2018
EP 67 - Give Your Favorite Latin Comfort Foods a Healthy Makeover
Wednesday Dec 05, 2018
Wednesday Dec 05, 2018
Despite its reputation of being heavy, starchy, and fattening, Latin cuisine can lend itself perfectly to the concept of healthy eating.The overall notion about Latin food is that it is strictly heavy, starchy, processed, and very fattening. So, people think that you can’t enjoy Latin food if you are watching what you eat, either because of diabetes or another health concern.
The truth is, Latin cuisine can also lend itself perfectly to the concept of healthy eating and eating from the ground thanks to its use of an array of tubers, grains, fruits, spices, herbs, and vegetables.
Ingrid Hoffmann's book, Latin Comfort Foods Made Healthy, features lightened up, diabetes friendly versions of the flavors you crave that contain protein, whole grains, and fresh vegetables.
Listen as Ingrid joins Dr. Bond to share highlights from her book, her "chica tips," and how to give your favorite Latin foods a healthy makeover.

Wednesday Nov 28, 2018
EP 66 - Medication Mistakes You Don’t Want To Make
Wednesday Nov 28, 2018
Wednesday Nov 28, 2018
Taking shortcuts in the OTC aisle can be a health hazard.Over-the-counter drugs are an easy way to self-medicate when you need fast relief from some of life’s most common health obstacles.
Research shows that 81 percent of adults use OTC medicines as a first response to minor ailments and seven in ten parents have given their children OTC medicines late at night to help aid sudden medical symptoms according to Consumer Healthcare Products Association.
However taking shortcuts in the OTC aisle can be a health hazard.
The perceived safety net vibe OTC medications emit by being readily accessible to anyone on a store shelf without a prescription is the reason why many people tend to overuse them for a wide range of ailments including cold and flu, pain, fever, heartburn, allergies and insomnia.
With more than 300,000 OTC products on the market, the mistakes that can be made are high and so are the stakes for your health if misuse happens frequently.
Dr. Amy Shah, a double-board certified physician in internal medicine and allergy immunology, says the main problem with OTC medications is that most people do not take the time to thoroughly read the ingredient labels or strictly follow directions. Over-medicating with OTC’s, especially over long periods of time, can be particularly dangerous.
Listen as Dr. Shah joins Dr. Bond to discuss the medication mistakes you don't want to make.

Wednesday Nov 21, 2018
EP 65 - Aiming High: One Man's Journey Through Opiate Addiction
Wednesday Nov 21, 2018
Wednesday Nov 21, 2018
After a drug overdose, many demoralizing nights, and mornings where he couldn’t get out of bed without a prescription in hand, Darren Prince hit bottom. Learn how far he's come from.When Darren Prince was just 14 years old, he started what would become a multi-million dollar baseball card company.
By the time he was 25, he was doing deals with Magic Johnson, Pamela Anderson, Smokin’ Joe Frazier, Chevy Chase, and Muhammad Ali. A few years later, he launched his own marketing company, representing the biggest names in the world... while at the same time nearly dying from drug addiction.
After a drug overdose, many demoralizing nights, and mornings where he couldn’t get out of bed without a prescription in hand, Darren hit bottom.
He's come a long way since bottom.
Now, he's helping others overcome their addictions and has become an incredible influence. On October 24, 2018 Darren was one of 225 invited guests to the White House for the historic signing by President Trump of the six billion dollar bill to help fight the opiate epidemic.
Listen as Darren joins Dr. Bond to discuss his personal journey through addiction and how his efforts are making vast improvements in others' lives.

Wednesday Nov 14, 2018
EP 64 - Trickle-Down Stress: How Your Lifestyle Impacts Your Kids
Wednesday Nov 14, 2018
Wednesday Nov 14, 2018
It's harder to be a kid than ever before. In fact, one in eight kids suffer from some sort of anxiety.Kids are like little sponges. They soak up the environments around them, even if they don't realize what they're taking in.
In some cases, this is good. Modeling proper behavior for your children will help them to be happy, healthy, well-adjusted adults.
However, that's not always possible. We all have stress in our lives and sometimes it's just too much to take. As parents, you may unintentionally express relationship, money or career troubles -- which your kids pick up on. Mark Menolascino, MD, says they may absorb tension even if it's not outwardly revealed.
It's important to pay attention to any clues your little ones are giving you, especially if they're too young to inform you what they're feeling. Symptoms such as headaches, stomachaches, dizziness, a racing heart, trouble sleeping, changes in school grades or disrupted friendships are all indications that something is off.
Dr. Menolascino advises avoiding prescription medication when possible and trying other remedies first. For example, take a hard look at your lifestyle. Do you need to pump the brakes? Parents and kids alike are over-scheduled. What is one thing you can take off your collective plates to reduce stress? Also, eat meals together as much as you can and focus on positive conversation.
Another tip is to watch your exposure (and your kids' exposure) to the news and social media. It's okay for them to be informed, but turning on the news first thing in the morning can be detrimental. Instead, wake up and reflect on something you're thankful for -- and encourage your kids to do the same. Even the smallest moments provide those essential "warm fuzzies."
Getting more movement into your day also eases anxiety and stress. We all know the simple things like parking farther away from the store doors or taking the stairs instead of the elevator. Find other ways, like taking a dance break. Dr. Menolascino explains that exercise has beat out medication in many clinical trials when it comes to anxiety and depression.
Listen as Dr. Menolascino joins Dr. Bond to discuss how stress and anxiety is impacting your little ones and how you can address the problem before it gets out of control.

Wednesday Nov 07, 2018
EP 63 - The Father Effect Film: Stories About the Impact of Fathers
Wednesday Nov 07, 2018
Wednesday Nov 07, 2018
John Finch, author and creator of the book and film with the same name, The Father Effect, rejoins Dr. Bond to discuss how much progress the project has seen in the last year.The Father Effect Ministries (an outreach of The Perfect Father Ministries, Inc.), founded by John Finch, has a multi-faceted mission:
- Help men and women find healing and forgiveness for those who have wounded them
- Encourage, educate, and equip men to become the dads they were meant to be
- Help women understand the important role of fathers in their children's lives and do what they can to support and grow these important relationships